Kenya: I've No Capacity Or Constitutional Mandate To Investigate Terror Financiers - Duale

17 October 2022

Nairobi — The undelivered pledge by Defense Cabinet Secretary nominee Aden Duale to unmask terror groups in the country was back to haunt him during his vetting.

Duale was appearing before the National Assembly appointment committee Monday, when the question on his threat unveil terror groups in 2015 during the Garrisa University attack within 30 days came up.

"This story has been haunting me since 2015 and I have answered it over a thousand times... I have no capacity or constitutional mandate to investigate terror financiers," Duale answered.

The Garrissa Township MP who is set to relinquish the seat if approved by legislators said he was misquoted by the media and the call to unearth the terror groups and their financiers required the intervention of the community.

"I was with the whole leadership of Northern Kenya and I was reading a statement on their behalf where we urged our communities to come out and help government identify the financiers of terror activities," he told the committee.

Days after Al-Shabab gunmen killed 148 students at Garissa University College, leaders from northeastern Kenya led by Duale promised to help security organs identify youths who have joined the Islamist extremist group, as well as their sympathizers and financiers.

Duale had promised to name and shame with collaboration of the community within 30 days.

When the 30-day window period came to end with no list of the Al Shabaab financiers in sight criticism emerged that constantly haunted the seasoned politician.

Security experts had said it would be difficult to name the terror group's supporters in a region where people are divided along clan lines and the threat of al-Shabab looms over any attempt to help government agencies.

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