Kenya: Court Frees Renown Doctor Charged In 2020 For Advertising Fake Covid-19 Test Kits

18 October 2022

Nairobi — A renowned cosmetic doctor who was charged in 2020 alongside his employee for advertising fake Covid-19 test kits has been freed by a Nairobi court.

Dr Pravan Pancholi, the proprietor of Avane Clinic in Nairobi, and his co-accused Ndinda Kaleve, had denied making false advert claiming to sell coronavirus test kits.

They were also charged with publishing false advertisement and operating a medical institution without a license.

However, Milimani Senior Resident Magistrate Muthoni Njagi discharged the two of the offences following a successful application.

The magistrate, while withdrawing the case, took note that the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) had dropped the charges against Pancholi and Kaleve.

"It is hereby ordered that the first accused person charges have been withdrawn under Section 87A Criminal Procedure Code. He is set at liberty unless lawfully held," the order reads.

The magistrate also ordered bails of the accused refunded.

The Public Prosecutor withdrew the case after Pancholi's lawyer Andrew Muge argued that the prosecution had no evidence to support the charges levelled against him.

Muge told court that prosecution of the doctor would not result in a conviction.

In the advertisement, the spa was offering used coronavirus testing kits for Sh600 apiece and even provided a till number through which payment for the kits could be channeled.

"Only 400 remaining from 1,000 Unit Stock," the advertisement read in part.

It also claimed that the facility would provide medical attention for infected patients which, according to KMPDC, is a function they are not licensed to undertake.

KMPDC raided the clinic offices in Yaya Centre following a social media advertisement.

Following the raid, Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Council (KMPDC) fined the doctor Sh500,000, suspended his license and ordered the clinic closed.

Dr Pancholi's medical license was reinstated by KMPDC after the six months of suspension elapsed. Avane Clinic, says the doctor, is fully back in operations.

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