Kenya: Governor Lusaka Lobby's for Climate Change Fund Bill

19 October 2022

Bungoma — Bungoma Governor Kenneth Lusaka has called on Members of the County Assembly to quickly pass the Climate Change Fund bill 2022.

He said the bill comes with many benefits directly to the wards.

The bill has been an obstacle to grants from the World Bank and other partners who have it as a pre-qualification to gain grants.

The bill seeks to provide for a legal framework for establishment of a climate change fund to finance, facilitate and coordinate county climate change mitigation and adaptation programs.

Lusaka affirmed that once the bill is passed Bungoma County will be a beneficiary of World Bank funding amounting to Sh50 million that is earmarked for each of the 47 counties.

Speaking during a meeting with the Anglican development services (ADS) -Western region officials in his office, Lusaka stressed on the need to pass the bill.

"World over, everyone is now keen on climate change and we should not be left behind as a county," Lusaka noted.

The governor said that the bill was to be tabled last year but failed to take off due to a frosty relationship between the assembly and the executive. - Kna

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