Kenya: Better Funding Will Boost Health In Bomet, Says Governor Barchok

18 October 2022

Migori — To attain Universal Health Coverage UHC, Bomet Governor Hillary Barchok has said there is a need for increased budgetary allocation to fund health infrastructure, employ additional medical personnel, and equip medical facilities.

Prof Barchok said access to affordable health care remained a challenge among vulnerable families, most of whom relied on out of the pocket payment for medical attention.

"We have set aside funds every year for the purposes of enrolling vulnerable households and needy individuals under the National Hospital Insurance Fund NHIF," he said.

While speaking to KNA in his Bomet office, Prof Barchok said there was a need for more funding to facilitate medical research at Longisa County referral hospital in order to give homegrown solutions to non-communicable diseases, especially cancer.

He said Longisa Hospital was engaged in a medical research partnership with Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, and Kenyatta National Hospital among others saying such programmes required enough funding.

"Having established an oncology facility at Longisa hospital to decentralise cancer management services, we would like to expand the facility and employ more medical staff to serve the needs of our patients", said the governor.

To ease congestion in Longisa hospital, the Governor said the construction of a 200-bed ultra-modern Dr Joyce Laboso Mother and Child Wellness centre in Longisa area was at an advanced stage.

To reduce an average walking distance to less than five kilometers as per the recommendations of the World Health Organisation, Barchok said his administration proposed to construct new health facilities, especially in far-flung areas of Bomet County.

At the same time, Barchok said there was a need for the absorption of additional community health volunteers whom he said played a critical role in delivering health messages as well as guiding the community on health improvement and disease management.

To add on to four ambulances that he said were equipped with advanced cardiac support systems among other accessories; Barchok said there was a need for more ambulances for every Sub-County to ensure faster response to emergency medical cases.

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