Kenya: Aisha Jumwa Breaks Down Before MPs as She Recalls Forced Marriage, Struggle Growing Up

18 October 2022

Nairobi — Gender and Public Service nominee Aisha Jumwa was emotional as she narrated her tumultuous journey growing up from a humble background.

The cabinet nominee while explaining to the National Assembly appointment committee her life experience was brought to tears reminiscing how hard it was for her parents to provide for her.

"I was born and raised in a humble setting in a historic village in Takaungu,Kilifi North.My parents were poor they used to struggle to provide for me and my 27 siblings ,"she said while shedding uncontrollable tears.

It took the intervention of the Speaker Moses Wetangula to tell the Public Service nominee to compose herself.

"Compose yourself, we all walk through the same journey,"the chair of the committee Wetangula told her.

Jumwa told the committee how she was forced to drop out of school due to lack of fees.

Due to this harsh reality,Jumwa narrated that she was married off as a teenager where she was blessed with a child.

"In that union I became a mother of my first born, I must say this is one of the practices that must be capped because its harmful and painful to the girl child," said Jumwa in a shaky voice.

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