Kenya: Tourism CS Nominee Peninah Malonza Says She is Worth Sh300 Million

19 October 2022

Nairobi — Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage Cabinet Secretary nominee Peninah Malonza says she is worth Sh300 million.

Malonza told the National Assembly Appointment Committee that her wealth is made of immovable assets which include parcels of lands in four different regions.

"I have a breakdown of my net worth which include four parcels of land in Mombasa, Kajiado, Kitui and Nairobi worth Sh 240M, I have shares in four different SACCOS which contributes to Sh30 million," she stated.

The 48-year-old told the committee that motor vehicles worth Sh 10M and farm produce worth Sh20 million contributes to part of her wealth.

Malonza, has served as a former senior executive with Compassion International - a non-governmental organization.

She came into the limelight when she served for five years as Deputy Governor between 2013 and 2017 but during the term she had an acrimonious falling out with her boss-Governor Julius Malombe.

In 2017 she was named by former Kitui Senator David Musila as his running mate, while still serving under Governor Malombe.

Her hard campaigns to send Malombe home in the 2017 General Electon were futile as Former Governor Charity Ngilu won the seat.

She takes over from Najib Balala who has served in the docket for more than 12 years cumulatively, spanning both the late Mwai Kibaki and Former President Uhuru Kenyatta regimes.

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