Kenya: I Didn't Say I Will Strip Naked, I Was Misinterpreted, Malonza Says of Frosty Relationship With Malombe

19 October 2022

Nairobi — Peninah Malonza, the nominee for Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage, found herself on the spot after ghosts of her previous threats to walk naked due to her differences with her boss Julius Malombe came back to haunt her.

In 2017 during a public rally at Kisayani market in Kitui South, she threatened to walk naked on the streets of Kitui in protest against Governor Malombe whom she accused of instigating her woes in the county government.

Before the National Assembly appointment committee, Malonza explained that she didn't actually literally mean that she will walk naked as the statement was more political.

"Actually I don't think the words were walking naked, remember I was serving a political office and the interpretation of my words were misunderstood," she said.

The former Kitui deputy governor stated that the scenario then was more of a difference in opinion and not really a fallout as interpreted in the political arena.

Despite a perceived acrimonious relationship between herself and Malombe during his first term, Malonza told MPs that they enjoyed a good working relationship.

"I enjoyed a cordial relationship with my governor and I want to state that my governor was gracious enough to assign me five functions when the role of a governor and deputy were not stipulated," Malonza said.

"The deputy governor is political and interpretation by other people outside could mean otherwise," she added.

However, five months to the 2017 general elections former Kitui Senator David Musila unveiled her as his running mate, while still serving under Governor Malombe letting the cat out of the bag on their stalemate.

Malonza has defended herself on the issue saying her choice to vie alongside Musila was because of regional balance in Kitui county.

"It was a discussion that Malombe and I came from Kitui and the people of Mwingi felt marginalized. Malombe chose to take a running mate for Mwingi so as to jeopardize his political career and second term. This is the point that Musila came for me," she said.

As the duo concluded their first term serving the constituents of Kitui County they engaged in public spats which exposed their frosty relationship.

Malombe had accused her of working with his political rivals to rubbish his development record besides tarnishing his name.

The Kitui Governor stated she had neglected her official duties to join hands with politicians opposed to his leadership, including Kitui Senator Musila who has declared interest in toppling him for the position.

Malonza on her end had lamented that she was being sabotaged,harassed and intimidated by allies of Malombe while conducting her duties.

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