Kenya: Lands CS Nominee Zachariah Njeru is Worth Sh80 Million

19 October 2022

Nairobi — The Lands Cabinet Secretary nominee Zachariah Njeru is worth Sh80 million in the revelations made before the National Assembly committee on appointments.

During his vetting for the cabinet position he outlined that he own a house in Nakuru and has managed to invest in various investment groups and SACCOS as part of his wealth.

He is the least wealthy in the 14 cabinet nominees vetted so far in the 21-member committee chaired by Speaker Moses Wetangula.

Njeru was born at the Bondeni Maternity in April 1966 and attended Bondeni Primary School after which he enrolled at Nakuru Day Secondary and later Nyandarua High School.

Born 55 years ago in Bondeni, the most populous slum in Nakuru, Njeru has been a beacon of hope for slum dwellers whom he has been helping rise from poverty and crime.

He graduated from Moi University with an undergraduate degree in Information Science in 1993 and enrolled for a Master of Arts in Public Administration and Management at Mt Kenya University.

Before his nomination to succeed Farida Karoney, Njeru was the Nakuru East Sub-County administrator.

Between 2008 and 2013, Njeru was a nominated councillor in the Municipal Council of Nakuru and served as chair of Finance and general-purpose committee.

In 2010, he was elected chairman of the Public Health and AIDS committee of the council.

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