Tanzania: No Mercy on Wrongdoers in Projects - Prime Minister

PRIME Minister Kassim Majaliwa has vowed that the government will not remain silent, while some civil servants engage in wrongdoings in implementation of projects.

The Premier made the statement on Tuesday after he was dissatisfied with the construction of the Namtumbo District Hospital, Ruvuma Region.

"President Samia Suluhu Hassan had endorsed 7bn/- for the construction of this hospital. The citizens should see the value of their money. I cannot condone this poor performance. The government had disbursed the funds since April, why until now the building is not finished? This is ridiculous," the PM stated, while speaking to 'wananchi' at Migelegele village.

He added: "I have inspected the hospital construction project, but I am not satisfied with the work done. I have directed all faulty doors to be removed and proper ones are installed."

Mr Majaliwa revealed that the fixed doors were substandard since even after being closed, a person outside could still see inside through doors.

Speaking about fertiliser availability, the Prime Minister said that the government issued a 150bn/- subsidy to cushion the skyrocketing prices of fertiliser.

He said five companies have been listed to supply fertiliser in Ruvuma Region.

Mr Majaliwa mentioned the companies as Mohammed Enterprises, Yara, OCIP, Premium and ETG.

He said, so far, a total of 9,000 tonnes of fertiliser have been delivered in the region, out of which 2,467 tonnes have been distributed to villages.

Premier Majaliwa said the demand for the whole region stands at 67,000 tonnes, hence directed delivery of additional fertiliser into the region.

Earlier, the Minister of State in the President's Office (Public Service and Good Governance), Ms Jenista Mhagama, commended the construction of the hospital, which will largely benefit women, children and erldely people.

She promised that the government would continue assigning health workers in order to provide services in the hospital.

"In this financial year, the government plans to recruit 30,000 employees, most of them for the health sector," she said.

Deputy Minister in the President's Office (Regional Administration and Local Governments), Mr David Silinde said President Samia has approved construction of girls secondary schools in all 26 regions.

The school, constructed in Namtumbo District Council, was among the first ten schools in this financial year.

Namtumbo MP Vita Kawawa thanked President Samia for endorsing 15.5bn/- for development projects in the district, as well as 5bn/- for a water project which has been completed.

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