Kenya: Miguna Makes Grand Return After Failed Court-Back Attempts Under Kenyatta

Lawyer Miguna Miguna speaks to the press at the JKIA on returning to Kenya after nearly five years in exile and several failed attempts despite the backing of the court.
20 October 2022

Nairobi — Activist lawyer Miguna Miguna deported from the country in 2018 over his role in the swearing in of opposition leader Raila Odinga as the "People's President" is back in the country.

Miguna returned unrestrained on Thursday after failed court-backed attempts under President Uhuru Kenyatta's era.

He lauded President William Ruto for upholding the rule of law by abiding by the rulings of the country's court's in listing Kenyatta-era red alerts which stopped airlines from flying him back to Kenya.

Miguna is expected to grace the Mashujaa Day celebrations at Uhuru Gardens and later a State banquet at State House Nairobi at the invitation of President Ruto.

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