Uganda: General Muntu Asks Museveni to Increase the Budget of CID

20 October 2022

The leader of Alliance for National Transformation (ANT) Mugisha Muntu has lashed out at President Museveni for lecturing the Criminal Investigations Division (CID) on income generation instead of increasing its budget.

Muntu made the remarks shortly after President Museveni delivered a lecture of opportunity to middle level Criminal Investigations Directorate (CID) officers who have been attending a one-month ideological course at Kasenyi, Entebbe.

Museveni informed the police officers that they can be actively involved in income generation through intensive farming on small pieces of land and leave extensive farming for the large-scale land owners.

But Muntu believes that there is a lot more that needs to be done in order to improve the welfare and the operation of these officers.

"The budget for the CID is woefully inadequate. Lectures will not help until the budget is stepped up to adequate levels," said Muntu.

Muntu noted that if the president can re-allocated funds from the State House and the Presidency to the CID department, this would help to step up their activities and performance.

According to the Uganda Police Force policy statement of 2021, an average of 100,000 cases are reported and investigated annually. About 40,000 of these are capital offences. On average, investigating a single capital offence costs Shs 2.1 million while a misdemeanour investigation costs between Shs 100,000 and Shs 500,000.

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