Kenya: Murang'a Leaders Laud Ruto for Nominating Alice Wahome as CS

21 October 2022

Muranga — A section of Murang'a leaders have lauded President William Ruto for nominating Kandara MP, Alice Wahome as cabinet secretary for water.

During celebrations to mark this year's Mashujaa Day, the leaders led by Murang'a Governor Irungu Kang'ata exuded confidence that Wahome's nomination will be approved by the national assembly next week.

They argued, holding the Mashujaa Day at Kandara grounds, was a way to appreciate the appointment of the MP as cabinet secretary, saying the position as a way of appreciating Mau Mau war veterans, especially those who came from Murang'a county.

"We agreed with the office of the County Commissioner to hold this year's Mashujaa day in Kandara celebration as a way to appreciate the nomination of Wahome as Water CS. Her nomination is not only for her but for the entire people of Murang'a County," observed Kang'ata.

The governor said with Wahome holding the water sector, his administration will have an upper hand in providing clean domestic water to Murang'a homesteads.

He appreciated the president for also appointing other cabinet secretaries from Mount Kenya region. "With Wahome being nominated as CS, as Murang'a County we will be better placed to implement various water projects," he added.

Kang'ata also took the opportunity to enumerate various programmes his administration is working to implement.

"We are working on a policy to enable us to register the poor with NHIF, provide lunch for ECDE children and also fully implement automation of the tax collection process," he added.

Other leaders including the county senator Joe Nyutu and the county woman representative Betty Maina lauded the president for fulfilling his promise to people of Murang'a for appointing wahome as a CS.

Nyutu said they will back the appointment of Wahome as next water CS when the report on vetting will be represented in the national assembly.

Wahome appreciated the people of Kandara for electing her for three terms saying if the assembly approves her nomination, she will push for completion of projects in the county which had stalled during the previous administration.

"Some roads, hospitals among other projects stalled, I will continue to work for people of Kandara and Murang'a as I will push to have pending projects completed.

"I will also give directions to ensure the constituency gets a hard-working MP in the by elections," added Wahome.

Wahome, Governor Kang'ata and Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro fronted spirited campaigns which saw United Democratic Alliance Party scoop a majority of seats during last elections.

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