Kenya: Linturi, Owalo, Namwamba, Mvurya to Be Vetted for CS Posts

21 October 2022

Nairobi — The vetting of Cabinet Secretary nominees resumes today with Agriculture nominee, Mithika Linturi set to appear before the National Assembly Appointment committee.

Linturi will be followed by the Information, Communications and Digital Economy nominee Eliud O-walo who boasts 21 years experience as an economist, management consultant and strategy expert.

As the Cabinet Secretary for ICT, Owalo will be central in pushing the country's digital transformation plan.

Others to be vetted include Ezekiel Ma-chogu for Education, Ababu Nam-wamba, Youth Affairs, Sports and The Arts nominee and Rebecca Miano in the East African Community, Arid and Semi-arid Lands and Regional Development docket.

During the exercise on Wednesday, National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula has warned Cabinet nominees against visiting ministries, until they are approved by the house.

Wetangula who chairs the committees on appointment directed that the 22 nominees are given a nod by the house following the tabling of the report of their vetting, they largely not approved for the cabinet slots.

"All nominees coming before the house remain as such nominees subject to approval to report by this committee, presentation to the plenary and a vote taken on each and every one of them," he stated.

"Excess enthusiasm may not be helpful," said Wetangula during the committee sitting.

Minority Whip Junet Mohammed sought the indulgence of the chair of the committee following elicit reaction by Kenyans on a section of nominees confidently making courtesy call to their respective docket without having been formally approved.

"I want to seek your indulgence on the issue of nominee who have been vetted by this committee who go ahead and report to the offices of their respective dockets and take pictures and being taken round," said Mohammed.

"Chairman this matter ends in the plenary of the house until a question is raised," he added.

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