Kenya: State to Import 6-Million Fertilizer Bags Ahead of Long Rainy Seasons

21 October 2022

Nairobi — Kenya plans to import an additional 6-million bags of fertilizer ahead of the long rainy season of March 2023.

President William Ruto said his Government will import varieties of fertilizers such as DAP, NPK, among others.

Ruto said extra fertilizers will help bridge a 10-million maize deficit gap that the country is currently grappling amid food insecurity.

"We have also made arrangements to make another 6 million bags of various types of fertiliser available for the long rains season,"

"We have also asked county governments to work with us on last-mile delivery to centres close to farmers," the President said during his Mashujaa Day celebration speech.

Last month, the treasury set aside Sh3.6 billion for the fertilizer subsidy programme amid President intervention. The Head of State ordered price be cut by a half.

Expecting high demand, Agriculture Ministry capped the number of bags a farmer can get at the National Cereals and Produce Board (NVPB) at 100.

Under the programme, farmers were expected to pay Sh3,500 for a 50-kilogram from Sh6,500.

"For example, maize production suffered a deficit of more than 10 million bags,"

"Our government's first intervention to address the fertiliser challenge and make it available to counties and regions that plant in the short rain season, was to import 1.5 million 50kg bags and distribute them at a lower cost of Ksh3,500," President added.

Kenya's fertilizer market has been impacted by the ongoing Ukraine-Russia war, which are among the world's biggest producers as well as depreciation of local currency.

For example, Kenyan shilling has depreciated from Sh109.17 a dollar in 2020, to Sh121 a dollar currently.

"But in the medium term, the government plans to have fertiliser manufactured in partnership with EAC countries in our region."

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