Sudan: West Kordofan 'Still Tense' Following Inter-Tribal Clashes

19 October 2022

Lagawa Locality, West Kordofan — The Wali (governor) of West Kordofan has confirmed that skirmishes continue in the state's Lagawa locality, after tension between the Misseriya and Nuba tribes escalated following a dispute over land ownership on 10 October. The United Nations Office for Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) laments that the area is still inaccessible to humanitarian responders due to ongoing unrest.

The hostilities began after a dispute at Gangaro village, approximately three kilometres east east of Lagawa town. On 13 October, the Misseriya tribesmen claimed the land, which led to an exchange of gunfire between the Misseriya and local Nuba in the market in Lagawa itself, which continued through 14 and 15 October.

Khaled Jili, the designated governor of West Kordofan, confirmed that the situation in Lagawa locality is "still tense and unsafe".

In an interview with Radio Dabanga, the governor said that he visited Lagawa locality on Monday and appealed to the parties "to sit down and resort to the voice of reason and return to dialogue to address issues instead of the tension and incitement between them".

The governor confirmed that there has been a large exodus from the city, and that the displaced people are living in poor conditions without shelter or aid. He called on humanitarian organisations and the government to urgently intervene to shelter the displaced, return them to their homes, and provide them with protection.

The governor added that the state's security committee met on Tuesday morning to discuss

The Nuba Mountains Bar Association called on the head of the United Nations Integrated Mission (UNITAMS) to send observers from the UN to assess the situation and take the necessary measures to protect civilians in Lagawa locality.

Humanitarian response

In a flash update released today, the United Nations Office for Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) confirms that At least 4,000 people (about 800 families) were reportedly displaced and many homes in the town were burned and looted. There are reports of 12 people killed and 20 wounded as of 16 October, according to the International Organisation for Migration Displacement Tracking Matrix (IOM DTM).

Displaced people have taken refuge in Lagawa military compound, the girls' school, and the police station. In addition, an unconfirmed number of people have reportedly been displaced to the Dilling locality in South Kordofan.

Despite yesterday's visit to the area by the governor of the state, accompanied by members of the state security committee, at around 18:00 the town was reportedly shelled by missiles coming from nearby mountains. No information on casualties has been received yet, the OCHA update says.

OCHA laments that the area is currently inaccessible to humanitarian responders, however the Sudan government's Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) and partners are discussing a humanitarian mission to the affected area.

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