Africa: "A Network to See River Blindness Gone"

Cataract patient undergoes eye screening.
press release

A new WHO network is aiming to ensure that onchocerciasis will soon be gone, in line with the targets set out in the 2030 Road map for neglected tropical diseases.

Programmes, country representatives and other partner organisations are being invited to join the new Global Onchocerciasis Network for Elimination (GONE).

As the world onchocerciasis community seeks to accelerate progress towards the 2030 targets, GONE's initial consultation meetings have already begun, and a number of key challenges and opportunities have been identified.

These include the need for a well-coordinated global partnership to connect stakeholders and existing partnerships at the local, regional, and global levels, in order to improve coordination and collaborations, to accelerate technical progress, to implement a harmonized research agenda and to ensure improved service delivery.

GONE will focus on strengthening communications, empowering countries and facilitating progress towards the 2030 Road map's onchocerciasis elimination goals.

This new network will be a country-driven initiative, with the support of WHO, and the emphasis will be firmly on pragmatic and flexible solutions, to ensure the needs of individual country programmes are met. The network will intensify an integrated, cross-cutting approach and also serve as an advocacy body, at both the national and international levels, so that the drive to eliminate onchocerciasis goes all the way, down to the very last mile. Specific sub-groups will identify key challenges and propose strategies to address issues in order to fast track elimination targets.

WHO/Rello Polo M.Community reviewing MDA results in Senegal

The GONE network will be as inclusive and as successful as its membership and by the time it is launched, on World NTD day, 30 January 2023, the hope is that it will already be brimming with diverse and expert opinions and representatives.

This means that every stakeholder in the onchocerciasis NTD community is invited to participate. Please register your interest by clicking this registration link.

Interested parties are also invited to apply to be Chair/co-chair of GONE - nominations can be submitted via this nomination link.

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