Kenyans Warned of Human Trafficking Cartels Posing as Recrutment Agents for Lucrative Jobs Abroad

21 October 2022

Nairobi — The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has warned Kenyans to be wary of human traffickers posing as recruitment agencies for lucrative jobs abroad, and advised them to do proper due diligence before taking on such opportunities.

A statement by Consular and Diaspora affairs through a statement on Friday said that they have received numerous calls and messages from distressed Kenyans who have fallen victim to human traffickers who work in cahoots with local recruitment agencies, lured to criminal activity ending up in misery in foreign lands.

The Ministry said that most of the unsuspecting Kenyans who have fallen victims of the scheme are reported to having sold family land as well as other assets so as to cover the cost of travel, accommodation and visa fees paid to the unscrupulous agents.

"The Ministry wishes to warn the public about this web of international crime and cautions potential victims to be vigilant and avoid jumping into some of the seemingly lucrative job opportunities abroad without proper due diligence," the statement read.

According to the Ministry the unsuspecting job seekers are issued with a 90 days visa including hotel accommodation and return tickets, but immediately after the victims depart the return tickets are cancelled leaving them at the mercy of local networks who traffic them to other destinations.

"The victims are decoyed to 'textile industries' to engage in criminal activities, under the watchful eyes of armed men and owners of the factories. Their passports are normally confiscated and remain under the custody of the criminal gang," the statement adds.

The Ministry reported that so far they have managed to rescue 50 Kenyans from the criminal gangs, saying it's sad to see innocent Kenyans continue being lured to travel abroad under similar circumstances.

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