Angola's President Expresses Trust in ICGLR Role in Conflict Resolution

Luanda — Angolan Head of State João Lourenço has voiced optimism about the success of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) in its role to address conflicts between member States.

João Lourenço was speaking at the opening of the 8th Dakar International Forum on Peace and Security in Africa held Monday morning in the Senegalese capital, Dakar.

João Lourenço said despite some persisting events that raise concern, the organisation has proved to be useful and "there are encouraging signs" that its actions can help restore the trust between the parties in conflict.

As examples, he cited the evolving border crisis between the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and neighbouring Rwanda, between the latter and Uganda and that which emerged in the Horn of Africa.

The statesman recalled the agreements reached in Nairobi and Luanda, adding that those steps led to the drafting of a roadmap with mechanisms to monitor the implementation of decisions taken to rebuild trust between the parties in conflict.

He stressed the importance of the African Union to work in a more coordinated manner with regional organisations in order to ensure more effective results capable that help restore peace and order.

The president slammed, once again, the reemergence of coups d'état in Africa, mainly in the western region.

Angolan head of State invited the international community to strongly condemn all forms of unconstitutional changes of Government in Africa.

According to João Lourenço, coups, even without bloodshed, should not be seen as a solution to countries' internal problems.

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