Kenya: Kang'ata Partners With NHIF to Roll Out Dubbed 'Kang'ata Care' Medical Cover for Murang'a

(file photo).
25 October 2022

Muranga — Murang'a Governor Irungu Kang'ata has partnered with the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) to roll out medical insurance cover, which will enable Murang'a residents access treatment free of charge.

In the first phase of the programme, Kang'ata said it will be free to 20,000 vulnerable households in the county, and will cater for both inpatient, outpatient, dental, optical and last expense.

According to the Governor, Murang'a is the first county to establish such a programme.

"NHIF and my County have today established " Kang'ata care ". It is medical insurance cover - 1. Free to 20k Muranga households 2. Caters inpatient/ outpatient, dental ,optical and last expense cash of 100k payable to principal member plus dependants .FIRST IN KENYA," Kangata stated following a meeting with NHIF officials.

Access to health care for all is an integral part in President William Ruto's manifesto, who has vowed to speed up the much needed National Health Insurance Fund reforms, so that Kenyans from all cadres can benefit from the fund.

In his Mashujaa Day address on Thursday last week, The President said he is committed in making the fund all-inclusive so that all Kenyans from all walks of life can enroll.

The Head of State noted that about a million Kenyans fall into poverty every year due to healthcare costs, and hence the need to expedite the reforms.

"The challenge is NHIF is an occupational scheme tailored for salaried people on payroll in the private and public sector and not the social insurance scheme it ought to be. We shall change the contribution structure from an individual contributory scheme to a household contributory model," the President stated.

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