Kenya: China Assures of More Trade Opportunities With Kenya, African Countries Under New Leadership

25 October 2022

Nairobi — China has assured of more trade and investment opportunities with Kenya and other African countries under the new leadership unveiled at the 20th CPC Congress.

The new CPC Central Committee was unveiled on Sunday with President Xi Jinping as its leader promising a new era of modernization of China and more partnership with the world for a better-shared future.

On Monday, Chinese Ambassador to Kenya Dr Zhou Pingjian told a news conference at the embassy that the Chinese government is open to more trade and with Kenya and other African countries for mutual benefit.

"Under the new leadership in Kenya, the Chinese government is open to trading on large scale with Kenya and other African countries," Ambassador Zhou told a news conference, "we will work to create more employment opportunities in Kenya through having more made-in Kenya products and have China import them."

"Going forward the priority of the partnership is based on cooperation and viewing each other as equal partners," he said

Ambassador Zhou said China's partnership with African countries is always based on mutual cooperation because it sees the countries as equal partners.

"On Sunday, the top leadership was elected" Dr Zhou said, "The General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPC is President Xi Jinping. He promises a new era of modernization of China by ensuring common prosperity, cultural and ethical enrichment and promoting humanity in harmony with nature."

President Xi, who was elected general secretary of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) at its first plenary session last week said he is happy to have established a moderately prosperous society according to plan, thus completing the First Centenary Goal.

"Now, we are taking confident strides on a new journey to turn China into a modern socialist country in all respects, to advance toward the Second Centenary Goal, and to embrace the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through a Chinese path to modernization," Xi told his first news conference at the Great Hall of the People, soon after the congress.

He stressed that on the journey ahead, "we shall always keep an enterprising spirit. To build a modern socialist country in all respects has been the long-cherished goal and dream of the Chinese nation. To make this happen, the Chinese people have offered sweat and toil. The CPC and our people have sought long and hard to open a Chinese path to modernization. This is a great yet enormous undertaking. The enormity of the task is what makes it great and infinitely glorious. Successive generations of Chinese have dedicated themselves to this worthy cause and, with extraordinary efforts, they have blazed a path from modest beginnings."

Xi said the new CPC Central Committee will forge ahead with resolve and take on more responsibilities.

"We must show greater historical initiative in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context and the needs of the times, write new chapters in developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and strive hard to achieve the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation," he said.

He also pointed out that on the journey ahead, we shall always act for the people and rely on them in everything we do. To date, we have secured one tremendous achievement after another by relying closely on our people. In the future, we will continue relying on them in creating new historic achievements. The journey ahead is long and arduous, but with determined steps, we will reach our destination. We will not be daunted by high winds, choppy waters or even dangerous storms, for the people will always have our back and give us confidence. We will always ride out the storm with our people and stay heart to heart with them. Taking their priorities as ours and acting on their wishes, we will continue the hard work to turn their aspiration for a better life into a living reality.

Xi stressed, on the journey ahead, the CPC Central Committee shall always press forward with self-reform, Xinhua News Agency reported.

Xi pointed out, on the journey ahead, we shall always champion the common values of humanity. The world is grappling with unprecedented challenges. We have consistently called on the people of the world to grasp and shape the future and destiny of humanity. When all countries pursue the cause of common good, we can live in harmony, engage in cooperation for mutual benefit and join hands to create a brighter future. We will work with all other peoples to champion humanity's common values of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom, to promote global peace and prosperity, and to keep pursuing a human community with a shared future.

Just as China cannot develop in isolation from the world, the world needs China for its development, said Xi. Through over 40 years of relentless reform and opening-up, we have created the twin miracles of fast economic growth and long-term social stability. The Chinese economy has great resilience, potential and latitude. Its strong fundamentals will not change, and it will remain on a positive trajectory over the long run. China will open its door ever wider. We will be steadfast in deepening reform and opening up across the board and in pursuing high-quality development. A prosperous China will create many more opportunities for the world.

Xi pointed out that the new journey ahead will be a long one filled with glories and dreams. The road-map has been drawn and the bugle has been sounded. We must forge ahead with enterprise and fortitude and endeavor to create an even brighter future for our country.

Over the past week, the local and international media have covered the 20th CPC National Congress extensively. "With your help, China's voice and the CPC's views have been heard across the globe and the world has turned its eyes to China. Thank you for your hard work and a job well done!" Xi said. "We welcome you to visit more places in the country and present to the world unbiased and truthful stories of China, of the CPC and of the new era we are living in," he added.

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