Kenya: Azimio MPs Say Jumwa Unfit to Be Public Service CS Due to Pending Murder Case

25 October 2022

Nairobi — A minority report by the committee on appointment has rejected the nomination of Aisha Jumwa, the nominee for Public Service and Gender due to her ongoing murder case where she is accused of murdering Juma Ngumbao.

The report disapproving Jumwa appointment argues that although the constitution hold that one is innocent until proven guilty, the requirement doesn't hold for individuals appointed in high public office.

"The members stated that they hold the strong view that the principle of presumption of innocence until proven guilty should never apply in situations of appointment to a high public office in the Republic of Kenya," read the report.

A section of Azimio La Umoja One Kenya legislators who were in support of the minority report insisted that although Jumwa argued that she shot no one and even offered to be a prosecution witness in the murder case, her revelations were basically unconvincing.

"The members found that Hon Aisha Jumwa is unfit to hold public office due to the gravity of criminal case against her, the integrity questions it raises, and the unsatisfactory responses provided. The members therefore rejects her nominations to the cabinet," the report read.

Before the National Assembly appointment committee where she was being vetted for the cabinet slot, Jumwa was forced to come clean on the matter after she was implicated in the murder of Michael Ngumbao during a mini poll in Ganda Ward.

"I am clear in my mind that I never shot anyone because I don't own a gun.I am not a gun holder and I don't know the names of the guns in this country," Jumwa said.

Jumwa was charged alongside her bodyguard Geoffrey Okuto in 2020 over Ngumbao's murder.

"There are three witnesses who testified and none mentioned my name. The ballistic done also didn't link me so am I innocent until proven guilty," she said.

This came hours after Ngumbao applied to drop the murder case against the vocal politician.

The decision to withdraw charges against the former Malindi MP was communicated to a Mombasa court on Tuesday.

"The victim's family was desirous of having the matter settled out of court considering that the second accused was not the principle offender in this matter," Senior State Counsel Vivian Kambaga told the High Court.

"The ODPP has received this prayers and it's being considered at the moment, and we will be able to come back to you with an informed decision and next course of action," she added.

The minority report which was annexed in the majority report by the committee on appointment has also rejected Mithika Linturi as the nominee of Agriculture and Wildlife.

In a report tabled by Majority Leader Kimani Ichungwa, the majority report of the committee chaired by Speaker Moses Wetangula approved all nominees apart from Peninnah Malonza, the nominee for Tourism and Wildlife.

The announcement led to jeering and booing by a section of members from the house with the Speaker Wetangula bringing the house to order.

"Order, order Honorable Members that is just a notice of motion, each one of you will have time to debate, ventilate and vote on this motion and you have a right to vote the way you want," said Speaker Wetangula.

Lawmakers are slated to vote on the report tomorrow afternoon after a rigorous debate today and tomorrow morning.

"Any strong views you have for either of the nominee, I urge you to observe parliamentary decorum and dignity and debate the motion and you will vote on it at the end of debate tomorrow," the speaker of the house.

"The power of your vote that matters more than the manner you address yourselves with rigorous voices," he added.

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