Angola: Minister Calls for Coordinated Actions for Child Benefit

Luanda — Angolan minister of Social Action, Family and Promotion of Women Ana Paula do Sacramento Neto Tuesday backed determined and properly thought actions in benefit of children, with players urged to conduct the actions at all levels in a coordinated and articulated way.

Data released by National Institute for Children (INAC) put at 6 000 the cases of violence against children, from January to August this year across the country.

The cases include those related to denial of paternity, not paying child maintenance, domestic, sexual and psychological violence, neglect, child labour, maltreatment and aggression.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the Third National Conference on Social Education, under the theme "The problem of children in a situation of vulnerability in Angola", the minister praised the Church's contribution to preventing violence against children, by providing education and other activities.

Ana Paula do Sacramento Neto was addressing the event sponsored by the Institute of Religious Sciences of Angola (ICRA), aimed at awakening the society on the importance of children's well-being.

The minister praised ICRA's initiative to promote a debate on social education, based on topics that match the government actions, related to the protection and guarantee of children's rights.

The event addressed among other issues such as life expectancy at birth, food and nutrition security, birth registration, education and the prevention and fight against violence against children.

"We are all called to play our role so that Angola experiences significant changes in terms of guaranteeing the well-being of children and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, as a commitment of the Angolan State", she said.

She highlighted the education of girls, as a way of empowering them, calling the attention of parents and guardians toward the care of children, especially girls.

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