Kenya: Ruto's Key Allies to Chair Powerful Committees in National Assembly

27 October 2022

Nairobi — Members of the National Assembly will on Monday embark on the election of chairpersons and their deputies after the house approved the motion on their membership.

The lawmakers were appointed to the departmental and select committee in the house by the select committee chaired by Majority Leader Kimani Ichung'wa.

Ichungwah while moving the motion mentioned that they fell short in ensuring that they accommodate MPs in the committees which they had shown interest to sit.

"This is one of the most divisive exercise in Parliament because its always not possible to please everyone in the house ," he stated.

"For example, in the Transport committee we had 79 members who sought to be considered in the majority side yet we had only 8 slots for them. Minority had 79 members and we had only 7 slots for them," Ichung'wa added.

Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi while supporting the motion termed the appointment of lawmakers to committees as a hectic process given the huge interest by MPs to sit in the Roads and Transport committee and the one on Budget and Appropriation.

"The demand for certain committees was enormous and we might need to ventilate on this matter. What is it in the Transport and Budget committee? This is a discussion we need to have so that next time we don't have a commotion," said Wandayi.

Earlier Thursday, Kenya Kwanza Alliance held a parliamentary group meeting where they discussed among other issues the sharing of leadership slots in various committees.

Source privy to details canvassed in the Parliamentary group meeting that involved lawmakers in the National Assembly indicated that Narok West MP Gabriel Tongoyo has been proposed to Chair the Administration and Internal Affairs.

Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro has been proposed to chair the influential Budget and Appropriation committee, Tinderet MP Julius Meli proposed to chair the Education committee which he chaired in the 12th Parliament while Mwala MP Vincent Musyoka proposed for the Energy committee.

Molo MP Francis Kuria has been fronted for the Finance and National Planning committee, Endebess MP Robert Pukose proposed for health while Tharaka MP George Murugara slated to chair the Justice and Legal Affairs committee.

Tigania West MP John Mutunga has been earmarked to chair the Agriculture and Livestock committee with his Marakwet East counterpart Kangongo Bowen to chair the Blue Economy and irrigation.

Dagoretti South MP John Kiarie has been proposed to head the Communication and Information committee and Belgut MP Nelson Koech fronted for the Defense, Intelligence and Foreign Affairs.

In the oversight committees, the Azimio La Umoja One Kenya side has settled on nominated MP John Mbadi as Public Accounts Committee (PAC) which Embakasi East MP Babu Owino had claimed ownership.

In the contentious Public Investments Committee (PIC) which has been split in to three namely commercial, education and general-purpose committees.

Pokot South MP David Pkosing has been designated to chair the Public Investments Committee on Commercial Affairs and Energy.

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