Kenya: Meru Resident Petitions County Assembly to Impeach Governor Mwangaza

27 October 2022

Nairobi — A Meru County resident has petitioned the County Assembly to institute impeachment proceedings against Governor Faith Kawira Mwangaza.

Thuranira Salesio Mutuma - a human rights defender - wants Governor Mwangaza impeached over "gross misconduct and abuse of office".

"I institute this petition the strength of the Constitution which provides that every person has an obligation to respect, uphold and defend the Constitution," he said.

The activist who has copied his letter to the County Clerk has maintained that his petition has merit and asked the Assembly to act on it.

Mutuma has cited eleven grounds that warrant the impeachment of Governor Mwangaza who is at loggerheads with the assembly's ward representatives.

"The Governor has violated, infringed, and threatened the Constitution and all other relevant provisions of the law hence the grounds of gross misconduct and abuse of office have merit," Muma said.

In his petition, Muma stated that the Governor since assuming office has been practicing favoritism in making key appointments in her government.

"It is public domain that the Governor has employed her sister as a bodyguard and personal assistant," Mutuma said adding "the husband to her PA is the official driver of the Governor".

Mutuma has further accused the Governor of delegating her duties to her husband Murega Baichu who is not a State Officer.

The activist has similarly accused the Governor of unveiling her cabinet which he said is in violation of the Constitution.

Mutuma in addition cited the October 19, 2022 incident where chaos erupted at the County Assembly.

"The Governor admitted that she stormed the County Assembly by force with goons who dishonored the honorable house," he said.

Mutuma has also accused the Governor of being disrespectful and rude to the county's ward representatives.


The activist has been pleased with the County Assembly to "consider his petition as urgent and since it is public interest".

"I am making my best efforts to have these matters addressed by this relevant constitutional authority and to give a satisfactory response," he said.

Mutuma moreover wants an investigation done into the allegations and finally the assembly to summon the Governor.

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) on October 23, 2022, put the Governor on the spot over nepotism and conflict of interest.

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