Uganda: More Details About Gunmen Attack On Police Station in Luweero Emerge

1 November 2022

Police have explained circumstances under which unknown gunmen attacked Busiika police station in Luweero district killing two police officers and injuring others.

The attack happened at around 7:30pm on Monday.


"The facts gathered indicate, that the assailants who were about seven emerged from three different sides, two in front and one from behind, were armed with a pistol and guns," Police spokesperson, Fred Enanga said in a statement.

He explained that having surrounded the police station, the seven gunmen opened fire that killed Detective Inspector Alex Wagaluka, the OC CID for the station and constable Moses Ongol whereas two other constables Adrian Ochom and Stephen Odama were injured and are currently admitted to Bombo Military General Hospital in critical condition.

It is also said that the assailants first ordered locals in the trading centre where the police station is located to close their shops before they could start on their mission .


"The assailants also burnt several casefiles and attempted to burn the station. The fire was however, successfully put off by the community at Busiika Town Council. We do applaud the efforts of all persons who responded and saved the police station,"Enanga said.

According to the police spokesperson, whereas the motive of the assailants is not yet known, the fact that they killed, injured and robbed two guns shows they targeted guns, police personnel and the facility at large.

" The scene was cordoned by forensic experts for thorough documentation. A pistol that fell as the assailants fled from the scene, was recovered, and will be subjected for further ballistic examination. Our specialist task teams are working diligently to identify and apprehend the suspects behind the deadly attack."

"We shall not rest until when they are arrested and brought to book. In addition, an emergency alert and deployment of extra manpower, has taken place."

Ochola condemns attack

According to Enanga, the Inspector General of Police, John Martins Okoth Ochola has condemned the attack as being senseless.

"The lGP has extended deepest condolences to the family, friends, relatives and workmates of the late D/IP Wagaluka Alex and PC Ongol Moses. He further wished the two injured officers, a quick recovery and further reiterated that there was no justification, whatsoever, for the attack and acts of violence against police officers, on duty,"Enanga said.

The attack comes a few months after another attack by unknown assailants armed with machetes on a police Fika Salaama checkpoint in Luweero in which a police officer was cut and succumbed to injuries later whereas the gun was stolen.

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