Mozambique and Rwanda to Remove Visa Requirements


Maputo — Mozambique and Rwanda on Thursday signed in Kigali an agreement to remove entry visas for citizens of both countries, which is expected to bring the two countries closer together.

Mozambican Interior, Minister Arsénia Massingue, and Ruanda Foreign Minister, Vincent Biruta, signed the agreement.

According to the agreement, citizens of both countries will now be allowed stay in Mozambique and Rwanda, for a period of up to 90 days without a visa.

Massingue explained that citizens of both countries will also be able to visit their relatives and friends, tourist sites or places of historical-cultural interest, as well as potential business areas.

"We are aware that this instrument eliminates the need for entry visas for our citizens, contributing to bring our two countries closer and closer together", she said.

Massingue added this is an act of high political and historical significance and clearly shows the excellent ties of friendship and harmonious coexistence between Mozambique and Rwanda, marked over time by a deep socio-cultural identity.

Also, it responds to one of the decisions agreed by Mozambican President, Filipe Nyusi, and his Rwandan counterpart, Paul Kagamé, "to create appropriate conditions to facilitate the promotion of tourism, culture, investment, as well as socio-economic development between our two countries."

The minister assured that Mozambique is determined to fully implement the agreement, which is a reference model in bilateral cooperation.

Massingue has called for dedication of migration services workers for the expeditious preparation of the ratification of the agreement, which could come into force before the end of the year.

The Visa Waiver Agreement is also part of a set of actions adopted by the member States for gradual elimination of obstacles to the free movement of people and goods, thus promoting a common vision of an integrated continent.


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