Kenya: Mudavadi Calls for National Unity

6 November 2022

Nairobi — Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has called for the unity of the country saying that elections are now behind, and the focus should be on service delivery.

Mudavadi said there is no more room for a blame game since Kenyans made a choice on August 9, 2022, and it is time for service delivery to the people.

"The elections are gone. we should desist from blame games because that will not help us. We must put behind us the blame game since if we continue with the blame game, sooner or later the currency of blame games will come to an end. And it might end faster than we imagine," he said.

Mudavadi who spoke in Machakos during the relief food distribution exercise, noted that Kenyans are currently hard hit with the challenging economic times facing the country coupled with the ongoing famine as a result of the biting drought in most parts of the country in at least 23 counties, with Machakos county alone recording over half a million people who have been affected.

"So we must move away from blame games to service delivery and support for the people of Kenya from wherever we sit. Animals are dying, we can't afford to apportion blame to anybody but collectively pull together towards seeking solutions to the situation at hand," he said.

Mudavadi also called on leaders to rally behind the unity of purpose and called on Kenyans to be optimistic and have trust in the Kenya Kwanza government saying that it will deliver on its promises.

"I want to assure Kenyans that William Ruto is the President for all Kenyans. He will not discriminate against those who did not vote for him. The truth is that every Kenyan pays taxes thus everyone is entitled to government services. " Said Mudavadi.

Reading from the recent political undertones following the sentiments being made within the opposition Azimio Camp, Mudavadi defended the Kenya Kwanza clarion call on equitable resource allocation, restoring public trust, and ensuring that the government works for all Kenyans.

"We at Kenya Kwanza are gentlemen. We will not use force or coercion to compel anyone to join our side. Such tactics belong to the past. Let no leader claim that he is being forced to join the ruling side." Said Mudavadi.

Mudavadi also extended an olive branch to the Wiper Leader saying Kenya Kwanza is ready to work will all leaders for the mutual and ultimate benefit of each and every Kenyan.

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