Rwanda: Coach Didn't Want Me - Kagere Opens Up on Simba Exit

2 November 2022

Rwandan international Meddie Kagere has finally hinted on why he left Simba SC in June 2022, for Tanzania's Singida Big Stars.

Kagere, 36, had been the best attacker for the Lions since 2018 but was forced out by Serbian coach Sven Zoran.

"Many didn't understand why I left Simba, even though they saw me in the preseason in Egypt. They knew that I was in the team for another season. The coach didn't want me," Kagere told Mwananchi.

"What I was aware of is that I had to be on top. I always did that when I was at Simba. There were challenges I went through and when Zoran arrived, he also wanted to bring his players."

"He said he wanted two attackers, two midfielders and a defender. I asked myself how is it possible for the team to have four foreign attackers? I deduced he is telling me to find another team," the player said.

"The leaders of the club wanted me to stay, but the position of the coach was the same. I thought it was my time to leave."

The veteran striker also said that he got a deal in Saudi Arabia but decided to stay in Tanzania and sign for Singida Big Stars.

"I observed that Saudi Arabia is far from home. Their offer was not good. Someone who is in Dar es Salaam is more comfortable, so why should I go to get credit that I am in Arabia and then I get paid a pittance?"

"Before joining Singida I thought of going back to Rwanda to calm down a bit. But I told myself that I still have the ability to play abroad. Singida gave me what I wanted and I joined them."

Kagere is now warming himself into the Singida Big Stars team as he didn't have preseason with them.

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