Rwanda: 90% Children Vaccinated Against Polio

28 October 2022

As Rwanda marks the international day against polio, numbers show that more than 90 per cent of children in the country are immunised against polio

The last case of polio identified in Rwanda was in 1993.

The international day against polio is marked every October 24, in Rwanda it is marked on October 24. This year, it is marked under the theme, "Together, Let's End Polio"

During the event held on Friday at Gahanga health centre, parents showed up with their children for immunisation.

Sliver Nzabarangize, a father who had brought his child for vaccination, said that, "I ensure my children are fully vaccinated and I encourage other parents to do the same."

He added that it's a father's responsibility to care for his child just as it is for the mother.

"I call upon parents to take care of their children the same since it helps the children grow well," he said

Chantal Uwizeyimana a mother who had come to immunise her baby also said that, "immunising her children gives me relief of knowing they are safe."

Speaking to the New Times Rosette Nahimana in charge of the Expanded Program on Immunisation at the ministry of health said that, "we are putting efforts in awareness around polio. In February when polio cases were reported in some countries in the sub-Saharan region, we immediately started immunizing all the children that were not vaccinated."

"One of the preventive measures we are using is testing different samples to check if they have the polio virus," she said

She added that all the parents should bring their children for immunising so that Rwanda will have 100 per cent fully immunised.

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