Kenya: East African Portland Cement Unveils Green Cement

10 November 2022

Nairobi — East African Portland Cement Plc has unveiled a Green Triangle Cement to minimise carbon emissions.

Green Triangle Cement is standardized under the Kenya Bureau of Standards strength standardization category of 22.5, enabling it to be applied in a wide variety of construction projects and phases.

Speaking while launching the product, Ministry of Investments, Trade and Industry Cabinet Secretary (CS) Moses Kuria said the Government's priority is to see the Cement company back to profitability, adding that support to Portland from other state agencies is not a request but a requirement.

Cs Kuria also announced plans to build Kenya's first cargo exclusive airport at Portland's idle land to improve exportation of various commodities produced locally like avocados.

He asked squatters on Portland's land to leave before they are evicted.

"The President has given me a target to raise the GDP contribution of manufacturing from 7% to 20% and create hundreds of thousands of jobs and we will not bow to trying to prevent this." East African Portland Cement Board Chair Edwin Kinyua said.

"The Board is closely monitoring and supporting bold initiatives by Management to enable useful, easy to interact customer innovations in line with the changing technological trends,"said Kinyua.

The Green Triangle Cement, which is already retailing, can be used to prepare mortar for brick and block, laying as well as rendering, plastering and repair works.

According to the firm's Managing Director Oliver Kirubai, the Cement will retail at an introductory price of 550 for key distributors and it will go a long way in supporting affordable house project.

"Our customers have for a long time been asking us to introduce an alternative product in the market," Kirubai said.

"This together with wide consultations and rese arch advised the introduction of Green Triangle Cement which is more environmental friendly and will go at a lower cost than Blue Triangle Cement," he added.

Kirubai said the firm will introduce more brands into the market to grow its portfolio to at least five brands in the market.

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