South Africa: EFF Celebrates the Theft of De Klerk's Nobel Prize

Economic Freedom Fighters supporters (file photo).
11 November 2022

The EFF in the Western Cape says although they condemn any form of stealing, they welcome with joy the theft of the Nobel Peace Prize medal awarded to SA's last apartheid president FW de Klerk.

The award has reportedly been stolen from his Cape Town home six months ago and the Cape Town police are investigating the theft.

In a statement the red berets call De Klerk a murderous racist apologist and say he should have been stripped of the nobel prize and criminal charges for war crimes should have been brought against him while he was still alive.

De Klerk died last November after a long battle with cancer at the age of 85.

He received the prize in 1993 alongside late former president Nelson Mandela "for their work for the peaceful termination of the apartheid regime, and for laying the foundations for a new democratic SA".

The medal is 18-carat gold and weighs 196 grams.

The prize is said to be worth about $969,000 (about R17 million) and is awarded with a diploma and a gold medal.

At the time, the Nobel Peace Committee said Mandela and De Klerk reached agreement on the principles for a transition to a new political order based on the tenet of one-man-one-vote.

The EFF said De Klerk ordered the killing of innocent children in a cross-border offensive to clear a house that was occupied by black youth.

"He was also implicated in secret meetings in which a decision to assassinate the Cradock four was taken," said the party.

They say De Klerk unbanned political parties and leaders who were arrested on Robben Island because of the pressure placed on him.

Pictured above: The Nobel Prize awarded to former president FW De Klerk was stolen

Picture source: Namibian Sun

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