Kenya: IG Koome Vows Decisive Action Against Criminals After Taking Office

11 November 2022

Nairobi — Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome has put criminals on notice following increased crime in the parts of the country.

Speaking Friday after taking oath of office, Koome assured Kenyans of their safety as they go about their daily activities saying his office will not relent in the fight against criminals terrorizing them.

Koome's assurance to the country come at a time when Kenyans have decried increased crime cases in parts of the country including within Nairobi where they have been reports of daylight muggings and stabbings by criminals.

"I wish to warn those criminal elements who are out there who think they will threaten the lives of innocent Mwananchi like those knife-wielding gangs who think they will continue with their reign of terror by targeting civilians, I wish to warn them that will not happen," Koome said.

The IG further warned hardcore criminals who have been robbing Kenyans of their livelihoods that their days are numbered.

Koome who took over the leadership of the National Police Service from Hillary Mutyambai who opted for an early exit citing health concerns said no crime will go unpunished under his watch.

While commenting on the perennial cases of banditry and cattle rustling in parts of the country especially the North Rift region, the IG warned that the security agencies will change tact in dealing with the bandits who have continued to wreak havoc in the north.

The IG said that they will work with parliament to ensure such criminal elements receive harsher punishment for their crimes.

"Our strategy now is to target the livestock lords, and we shall engage Parliament so that such people are dealt with for committing atrocious acts," he said.

He noted President William Ruto had pronounced himself on the issue of banditry as he vowed to protect the lives and property of Kenyans.

"As I take charge of the National police service the criminals out there, please bear with me because you will face it. We are not threatening anybody but we are stating things as they are," the IG said.

Koome called on Kenyans to take a leading role in ensuring peace and stability in the country saying "all of us have a responsibility to hold this country together."

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