Kenya: Suspect in Willie Kimani Murder Trial Asks for Special Diet

11 November 2022

Nairobi — One of the convicted police officers in the Willie Kimani murder case on Friday asked the court to order the prison provide him with a special diet.

Stephen Chebureti says that his stomach has refused to take in any food while in prison adding that he has been surviving on ugali.

He has requested the court to order the prison to provide him with Milk so that he can use it to accompany the Ugali.

"Mimi niko jela mwili imekataa chakula. Chakula yangu ni ugali. Wakipika githeri sikuli. Naomba koti iamrishe nipewe cabbage, ugali na maziwa,"lamented chebureti

Justice Daniel Ogembo has directed that Cheburet be presented to the prison clinical officer for medical check up over the diet issue.

Meanwhile the sentencing of the four convicted over the murder of lawyer Willy Kimani has been pushed to 16th of December.

The court was trial judge Jessy Lesit will deliver the verdict.

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