Rwanda: Close to 90 Congolese Flee to Rwanda

13 November 2022

Local authorities in Rubavu District received 89 DR Congo citizens who are fleeing from fights between the government forces FARDC and M23 rebels group. The refugees arrived on the Rwandan territory on Sunday, November 13.

Fights broke out between the two warring on October 20 when DR Congo attempted to recapture territories that were occupied by M23. This resulted in the M23 pushing back and intensified the war.

DR Congo army has been using heavy weapons along areas bordering Rwanda.

The Congolese refugees who are fleeing their home entered Rwanda through Kabuhanga border post. They are said to have come from the areas of Ruhunda and Buhumba in eastern DRC.

According to Jean-Pierre Senyoni, Social Affairs official for Bugeshi Sector, those that arrived are from 33 families, including 56 children.

By press time, The New Times was yet to get more details about the status and management of the fleeing Congolese.

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