Kenya: We Are At the Nuptial Stages but We Will Hack It - Mudavadi to Critics as 100 Days in Govt Beckons

13 November 2022

Nairobi — Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has defended the performance of the Kenya Kwanza Government under President William Ruto's initial stages of leadership as the 100 days mark approaches in early December.

Mudavadi stated that despite the difficult times being experienced especially from the inherited huge public debt, the dwindling economic situation in the country and the drought and famine situation in most parts of the country, ultimately things will shape up step-by-step.

"We are at the nuptial stages, but we will hack it. The good thing is we are all on the same page on what we want to do for Kenyans. The Chinese have a saying that a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step forward," Mudavadi said.

Mudavadi hinted that the first cabinet meeting under this new dispensation held last week gave a roadmap on what is to be done moving forward dismissing critics who are claiming that the government has failed.

He stated that work has begun since the executive arm of government hit the ground running laying the foundation towards economic recovery, job creation and food security.

"The high cost of living is an inherited deluge of a government that lived beyond its means, a headache that the former government left to us. You cannot sincerely attribute the current pain Kenyans are going through to this government," said Mudavadi in an interview.

The Prime Cabinet Secretary assured Kenyans that a number of austerity measures will be put in place not to harm the people but to help out in cleaning the mess inherited from the previous government.

On his part, Mudavadi has maintained that the outgoing regime used "The Scorched-Earth-Policy" approach as an attempt to set Ruto's government for failure and this is where serious policy decisions will have to be made to bring the economy back on the right trajectory while easing the cost of living.

"We have a plan to invest in ventures that will create jobs for these Kenyans. We are setting up structures to boost close to 10m informal sector workers--mama mbogas, hawkers, mkokoteni pushers--who are often left out in provision of government services to foster and uplift their services," said Mudavadi.

Already there has been an outcry from the opposition leaders who claim that taxation proposals being made by President William Ruto's government are punitive with AZIMIO leader Raila Odinga pointing out that Kenyans should not be over-taxed as they cannot afford the heavy taxes.

"As far as I am aware, the Kenya Kwanza government hasn't made any taxation proposals yet. I suspect the opposition leaders are confusing existing punitive taxation measures put in place by the previous regime with what might come from our new government," said Mudavadi.

Mudavadi has altogether rubbished the reasoning behind utterances that paint a picture that the Kenya Kwanza administration plans to have every Kenyan above 18 years brought into the tax bracket through forceful acquisition of the KRA PIN number.

He indicated there are some quarters which are deliberately misinforming Kenyans and trying to imagine that their utterances may lead to the creation of a mountain from an anti-hill.

"The idea is meant to lessen tensions for Kenyinans seeking employment. It is also helpful to KRA in monitoring who has graduated as a taxpayer. It's good for the country. You can only misconceive it if you support tax evaders," said Mudavadi.

"Nostalgia can be dangerous for an opposition that is supposed to oversight a current government. It's time we realized that we are facing the worst financial and economic situation the country has ever faced in decades," he added.

Mudavadi stated that plans will be put in place to expand the tax base thus ensure more revenue is collected without necessarily increasing taxes on Kenyans and businesses.

"The Hustler Fund, which will provide collateral-free lending to MSMEs at single-digit rates will be launched shortly. It will provide relief to especially micro-enterprises that currently borrow from shylocks and digital lending platforms which charge interest in excess of 3,600% per annum," said Mudavadi.

On the opposition's claim that NSSF and NHIF are mismanaged and it will not make sense pumping more money there as suggested by President William Ruto.

Mudavadi who once served as the finance minister says reforms will be undertaken in those institutions.

"For every penny you save, the government and employer will top it up in equal measure. The final beneficiary is that retiring Kenyan worker. We are yet to understand why the opposition is opposed to this valuable proposal. What is their remedy then?" Mudavadi said.

Mudavadi indicated that his Office will operate on an open-door policy with a focus on service delivery to Kenyans, a principle that he has defended as the Kenya Kwanza approach towards restoring public trust in government.

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