Kenya: Stop or You Will Be Forced to - President Ruto to Leaders Fueling Conflict in the North Rift

13 November 2022

Nairobi — President William Ruto has assured that the government will crack down on individuals fanning conflict that has contributed to insecurity in North Rift.

During a interdenominational thanksgiving service at the Kabarnet Showground in Baringo County, President Ruto stated that the region was volatile due to few unruly elements hiding under cultural practices to steal livestock while killing and maiming innocent citizens.

"People of Baringo and Elgeyo Marakwet are peace lovers but we have a few elements who have pride and are thugs. These few elements we will not allow them to interfere with the peace of Kenyans," he said.

The Head of State affirmed that leaders in the North Rift region fueling the never ending conflict in the region have their days numbers as they will face the wrath of the law.

"The leaders should stop fueling the conflict should stop this on volition and if they will not voluntarily do so, they will be forced to stop. There are no two ways about it," President Ruto said.

President Ruto revealed that the bandit group have now turned rogue by threatening leaders in the region every electioneering period to support their interest.

He lauded Tiaty MP William Kamket for championing for peace in the region urging him not to be cowed in supporting the issue of the ungovernable bandits in the region.

"I hear the group threaten the leaders that if you don't support this, we will not vote for you.We have concluded the issue of elections and voting and know it's time to focus on the peace of the constituents," the President said.

The Kenya Kwanza administration promised to restore calm in the region that has led to political instability affecting the livelihood of the citizens and disrupting the learning activities.

"Those few disturbing the people in the region and the country at large leave them to me.We will deal them so that they can stop disturbing our peace," Ruto said.

On November 9, Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki met with leaders from West Pokot and Baringo counties to discuss measures to tackle perennial insecurity that has plagued parts of the North Rift region.

The Ministry of Interior and National Administration (MINA) said the meeting which was attended by among other leaders Tiaty MP William Kamket and his Pokot South counterpart David Pkosing was in line with the presidential directive on hastening an end to cattle rustling and banditry in the North Rift and other parts of the country.

"Interior CS Kithure Kindiki this morning hosted leaders from West Pokot County and the neighboring Tiaty constituency in Baringo County for discussions on effective ways to combat cattle rustling and related challenges in their region," MINA reported.

The rising cases of insecurity in the North Rift have led to the loss of hundreds of lives, displacement of residents, and loss of thousands of livestock.

On Tuesday, the Interior Ministry revealed that an ongoing operation targeting cattle rustlers and other bandits in the North Rift and other parts of the country had recovered over 700 livestock.

The Interior Ministry stated that nearly 500 goats, 70 heads of cattle, and 200 camels that had been stolen in Turkana, Baringo, and Isiolo counties had since been returned to their owners under the Operation Komesha Uhalifu which was recently launched by the government.

In its update, at least one suspected bandit has been shot dead in Turkana, and a gun retrieved in the operation that has also been extended to West Pokot, Samburu, Elgeyo Marakwet, and Laikipia counties.

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