Kenya: City Hall Prioritizes School Meals After Signing of Long-Delayed Sh38.8 Billion Budget

14 November 2022

Nairobi — Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja has signed the city's Sh38.8 billion 2022/23 budget approved by the City Assembly on June 23, paving the way for the roll out of his initiatives including a county-wide school feeding program.

Sakaja said he will prioritize the construction of central kitchens in the sub-counties which will be used to provide meals to schools in respective constituencies.

"The feeding programme is one of our hallmark programs , this financial year we have budgeted for the construction of the kitchens and those to be completed in time we can start using them and do a supplementary later in the year," Governor Sakaja stated.

He spoke on Monday morning after assenting to the Nairobi City County Appropriation Bill 2022.

The Governor's plan is to have a central kitchen in every sub-county which will be able to serve between 10 to 15 public schools.

Governor Sakaja noted that his administration intends to emulate a similar model which is already being implemented in Dagoretti South constituency.

The county chief said it was disheartening to have children miss school due to lack of food.

"This programme will give our children a reason to smile and a reason to go to school," he said.

Sakaja committed the the prudent utilization of the budget sounding warning to officials who will try to divert the funds for selfish gains.

Governor Sakaja also urged the County Assembly to continue with their oversight role so as to ensure that taxpayers monies are not misappropriated.

"Now that I have a budget I want to assure Nairobi residents that you will start to see changes, we will have people focused programs and I want to tell my executive and other staff to be ready to serve the people and there must be accountability for each and every shilling," he added.

Nairobi County Assembly Speaker Ken Ngo'ndi said that the Assembly is ready to support the Governor in delivering his mandate, adding that any disputes that may arise will be resolved amicably.

"We commit to work together in serving our people and in case there are any disputes we shall use the right channels in addressing them," Ngo'ndi stated.

The Nairobi County Assembly Chairman for Finance, Budget and Appropriations Committee Wilfred Odalo said for the first time MCAs will receive Sh6 million for bursaries which will go a long way in assisting students from poor households.

On his part Majority Leader Peter Imwatok urged the Governor to prioritize settling of genuine pending bills, noting that some contractors and suppliers are in finacial turmoil.

"I believe that in a few weeks small businesses will be smiling at your government," Imwatok stated.

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