Tunisia: 'Focus On Tunisia' During 'Strasbourg, Unesco World Book Capital 2024'

Tunis/Tunisia — "As part of the first Tunisia-France exchanges in the audio book field, which began with an experiment in 2019, "La plume de Paon" will endeavour to continue this adventure in new events, notably during the "Strasbourg, Unesco World Book Capital" event in 2024, possibly through a "Focus on Tunisia" with a view to making the voices of the Francophonie heard in all their diversity," President of "La Plume de Paon" Association Cecile Palusinski said at a press conference.

The latter was held Monday at the press centre in the Tunisian Village of the Francophonie by the Alliances Françaises of Bizerte (AFB) and Djerba (AFD), to present the first UNESCO Week of Sound in its Tunisian version in partnership with the French Institute of Tunisia (IFT).

Taking the floor, journalist and president-founder of this Tunisian week Christophe Rioux said the goal of this event, which has already begun with a round table: "Audio, at the heart of new media and cultural and creative industries" at the Ecole Superieure de l'Audiovisuel et du Cinéma (ESAC), and with professional meetings in Bizerte, is above all to raise awareness of the importance of sound in all its diversity and all its forms, specifying that the book in its audio version is a kind of gateway to the ecosystem of the cultural and creative industries and is in perfect interaction with all the fields of creation (theatre, music, cinema etc.). The week of sound will be closed on November 15 at the Village of the Francophonie in Djerba with a restitution table entitled: "The revolution of sound: Ambassador of the Francophonie and creator of connections," he indicated

It will offer a synthesis of the UNESCO Sound Week in Tunisia while opening up new perspectives and projects in the making, such as the sound experiment "Salammbô/Les Mureaux," associating priority city districts in France and working-class districts in Tunisia.

Director of the Alliance Française de Bizerte (AFB) Nada Najahi pointed out that the audio book is now a vehicle for openness and interculturality, offering infinite possibilities in interaction with the oral tradition which is very present in Tunisia, adding that this week is an opportunity to establish important partnerships between the literary and audiovisual worlds, which will result in the launch of a training course on sound at the ESAC.

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