Kenya: 21-Year-Old Man Linked to a Spate of Murders in Migori Arrested Disguised as a Woman

15 November 2022

Nairobi — Police in Migori county on Monday arrested a 21-year-old man blamed for a several murders after his concealed identity was blown up.

The suspect was spotted passing by a police station dressed in female attire but police laid an ambush on realizing 'she' looked suspiciously masculine, a report detailing the arrest indicated.

The suspect identified himself as Sheila Bichange, a female.

"Upon a cursory examination, he owned up and produced a national identification card with a picture that matched his appearance and showed he is Jared Opiyo Nyatumba, a 21 years old Luo male adult from Homa Bay County, Ndhiwa sub-county, Kobama location," police said.

The suspect further alleged to be an employee of a Sony Sugar Company worker who also owns a hotel within Awendo Township.

When asked why he was donning female attire, police say the suspect alleged to have been harboring feminine feelings since childhood.

The suspect was said to be linked to a series of crimes including murders.

During his interrogation, word went round Awendo that the person linked to a serial killings in the area, and who was said to sometimes disguise himself as a female, had been arrested by Awendo police prompting an agitated mob to gather at the police station baying for his blood.

An ensuing scuffle forced police to expend 23 rounds of 7.62 x51 mm blanks, 12 teargas canisters, and 15 20/20 rounds fired from the anti-riot guns in efforts to contain the agitated mob demanding that the suspect be handed over to them for lynching, the police indicated.

The police report indicated that an investigative team processing the suspect had detained the suspect's alleged employer to help in the probe.

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