Launch of the 2022 North Africa Economic Outlook Report

14 November 2022
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

What: Launch of the Africa Economic Outlook report 2022 for North Africa

Who: African Development Bank Regional Office for North Africa

When: November 16, 2022, 15:00 Tunis time (GMT+1)

Where: Virtual

The African Development Bank's Regional Office for North Africa will launch the 2022 edition of the North Africa Economic Outlook report on Wednesday, 16 November 2022.

One of the Bank's flagship publications, the report provides an overview of the economies of northern African countries and proposes a regional approach to development. The theme of the 2022 edition is: "Supporting climate resilience and a just energy transition".

The event will present macroeconomic projections for the region and highlight short, medium and long-term policy recommendations to support climate resilience and a just energy transition.

Emmanuel Pinto-Moreira, director of the Country Economics Department, and Audrey Verdier-Chouchane, Regional Economist for North Africa, will present the report. Mohamed El Azizi, African Development Bank Director General for North Africa, will also participate in the event.

Following the presentation, a high-level panel comprising regional experts will discuss strategies to stimulate a sustainable recovery and strengthen the resilience of North African economies facing challenges.

Representatives of the region's governments, the private sector, partner institutions and the media are invited to attend the virtual launch.

Please click here to register.

Contact médias

Fahd Belbachir I chargé supérieur des relations extérieures et de la communication pour l'Afrique du Nord I

Contact technique

Audrey Verdier-Chouchane I économiste régionale pour l'Afrique du Nord

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