Kenya: Former Majority Leader Who Hired His Daughter as Committee Clerk Charged

19 November 2022

A former Majority leader has been charged for participating in the hiring of his daughter by the County Assembly Service Board.

Alfred Weswa, who served as Majority Leader of Trans-Nzoia County Assembly, was arrested by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC).

He was arraigned at Kitale Law Court on Thursday, November 18, where he was charged with four counts including abuse of office and failure to declare conflict of interest when he, with others, participated in the shortlisting and recruitment process.

According to the anti-graft body, the court heard that Weswa also participated in the interview and subsequent employment of his daughter Joan Nangila Wafula as a Committee Clerk at the Assembly.

The suspect was charged at the Kitale Anti-Corruption Court where he denied wrongdoing pleading not guilty on all counts against him.

He was admitted to a bond of Sh300,000 with a cash bail alternative of Sh100,000 through Chief Magistrate Julias Ng'arng'ar.

"EACC yesterday arrested Alfred Weswa, former majority leader, Trans-Nzoia County Assembly for abuse of office and failure to declare conflict of interest when he participated in the shortlisting, interview and employment of his daughter as a Committee Clerk at the Assembly," EACC's statement read in part.

The court affirmed that Weswa acted contrary to the Leadership and Integrity Act, 2012 which requires every state officer and public officer to use the best efforts to avoid being in a situation where personal interests conflict or appear to conflict with the State officer's or public officer's official duties.

The Act further stipulates that any state or public officer whose personal interests conflict with their official duties shall declare the personal interests to the public entity or the Commission.

The case will be mentioned on December 7, 2022.

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