Tanzania: State Tasks Clerics on Environmental Protection

Dodoma — PRESIDENT Samia Suluhu Hassan has directed clerics in the country to intensify massive campaigns on the importance of preserving the environment in concerted efforts to avert effects of climate change that have escalated water shortage in the country.

The Head of State asked religious leaders to capitalise on prayers, insisting that with almighty God everything was possible, as she equally underscored the need to provide education on the effects of environmental deterioration in the country.

"We have witnessed major groups of cows invading sources of water, something that has created artificial shortage of the precious liquid, but what we now need to do is to plant as many trees as possible in the country," she said.

The President was speaking when officiating at the 50th anniversary of the Adventist church services in the country's capital, Dodoma.

"We have witnessed major groups of cows invading water sources, something that has created artificial shortage of the precious liquid, I want to request all religious leaders to intensify tree planting campaign," she noted.

According to the President, if you don't protect the environment, it ought to have no other option than punishing you; therefore, the only way is to maintain friendship with the environment.

At the occasion, President Samia also requested clerics to continue collaborating with the government in maintaining peace, harmony and tranquility which the country has enjoyed since independence.

The President underscored the need for maintaining peace which she said was key in the country's economy and development.

The Head of State paid tribute to the Adventist church which she said was at the forefront in maintaining peace in the country, adding that the church was equally helping the government in the provision of various social services including education and health.

"I want to assure you that the government needs your contribution and support in different socio-economic issues," she said, adding that the government is ready to work on several challenges facing the Adventist church.

The chairperson of the territory of Southern Tanzania Union Mission (STU), Dr Godwin Lekundayo assured the President that his church would continue collaborating with her government in inculcating ethics to the young persons in the country.

STU Secretary, Reverend Jeremiah Izungo, on his part, said the church would continue supporting various development projects currently being implemented in the country.

At the occasion, Deputy Minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Geoffrey Pinda assured the church that the government is fully committed to working with the Adventist church for the best interests of the country.

Dodoma Regional Commissioner, Rosemary Senyamule also paid tribute to the church for supporting President Samia in ensuring that the country's vision remains intact regardless of the various religious denominations.

Two weeks ago President Samia directed Dar es Salaam and Coast Regional Commissioners, as well as the Dar es Salaam Water and Sewerage Authority (Dawasa), to trace all tributaries of the Ruvu River Basin and clean up human activities, which interfere with the water sources.

The directive was issued during the Clean Cooking Conference, stating that human activities seriously threatened the livelihoods of residents in the country's commercial capital, Dar es Salaam.

She said the RCs must act fast to remove all human-related activities including, agriculture and livestock grazing near the river and any other water sources.

"There are several blocks in the basin that obstruct the flow of water; cleaning it up will be one of the immediate options to ensure a sufficient supply of clean water," she stated.

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