Tanzania: NCAA Tasked to Take Care of Roads Construction Equipment

DEPUTY Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Mr Juma Mkomi has directed the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA) to take care of the equipment purchased for construction and improvement of the roads within the conservation area.

The directives were issued recently during the visit he made at the NCAA with the aim of inspecting the road infrastructure that is built through the funds of Covid-19.

"I direct the NCAA to take care and manage the equipment purchased for constructing and improving the infrastructure, which will help to attract more tourists," said Mr Mkomi.

Mr Mkomi has also stressed that the rehabilitation efforts should continue to be done regularly so that the roads stand better and support services for tourists, especially during the end of this year when the number of visitors and vehicles will increase.

He congratulated NCAA management for their good work in rehabilitation of the infrastructure of all existing roads within the conserved area.

On his side, the NCAA Deputy Conservation Commissioner Dr Christopher Timbuka said that currently, NCAA has repaired a total of 80 kilometres of roads.

"The rehabilitation had included the main road from the Seneto area to Golini stretching 55km, Olduvai Gorge to Jabali la Nasera (25km) and a 5 km section connecting the main road from the Seneto-Golini to Olduvai Gorge," said Mr Timbuka.

Also, the Manager of Procurement Management at Ngorongoro Conservation Area Dr Johnson Saiteu Laizer said, NCAA has bought a set of machinery for the construction of various roads within the conservation area.

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