Kenya: Azimio MPs Accuse Chebukati, Marjan of Misusing Public Resources on Foreign Trips

22 November 2022

The Azimio La Umoja One Kenya are now seeking a probe on activities of three outgoing IEBC commissioners and CEO Marjan Hussein since September accusing them of misuse of public resources and abuse of office.

The opposition coalition has accused IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati, commissioners Abdi Guliye and Boya Mulu for embezzling taxpayers' money on foreign trips.

Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi claimed that the foreign trips were selectively awarded to those who ensured that the outcome of the August 9th polls went in a particular direction.

"The outgoing commissioners have gone on a rampage by misusing public resources which have been allocated to IEBC for its operations. We have recorded multiple foreign trips on unspecified missions and engineered to benefit a select group in the commission," he said.

Wandayi pointed out that the three commissioners have refused to proceed on terminal leave ahead of retirement to enable them to engage in the unnecessary expenditures at a time when the government has announced austerity measures to cut on the wage bill.

"Why is IEBC exempt from this moratorium to engage in a spending spree on non-essential matters?" he posed.

In a statement, the Azimio Coalition lawmakers are calling for an independent audit to be taken to establish expenditure incurred after the August 9th polls and action taken where crime has been committed.

"IEBC staff, from the Chairman to CEO and directors are globe-trotting on trips whose value to taxpayers remains unknown. Between the months of September and November alone, millions of shillings have been gobbled up by select groups within the IEBC," stated Lugari MP Nabii Nabwire.

The legislators revealed that for over three weeks the outgoing commissioners have been away travelling to South Africa, Malaysia, Dubai, USA and Angola.

"At a time, everyone else is being told to cut costs, IEBC top management appears to be on a spending spree. Tens of millions of taxpayers' money is being spent in a scheme that looks like a reward to those who ensured elections went in a pre-determined way," said Nabwire.

The three commissioners' terms lapses on January 17, 2023, having come into the office on January 18, 2017.

The IEBC Act requires the president to appoint a seven-member recruitment panel at least six months before the lapsing of the term of the chairperson or members of the commission to start the process.

At the same time, the Azimio MPs faulted the move by Chebukati and Marjan to unilaterally make arrangements for ballot papers to be used in the by-election to be printed by Greece Firm-Inform Lykos.

The legislators pointed out that the duo sidelined the rest of the commissioners in the poll body by moving to print the ballot papers abroad is against their own policy which directs that they should be printed locally.

"IEBC CEO Marjan Hussein produced the framework contract between the IEBC and the Greek printing firm, Inform Lykos, including duration of the contract, the individual, corporate and country contractual obligations, and the liability costs in the case the contract is breached," Nabwire stated.

The by-elections were occasioned by the resignations of MPs who won the seats in the August 9, polls and the appointment of immediate Bungoma Senator Moses Wetangula as the Speaker.

Aden Duale resigned as the Garissa Town MP to take up the Defense CS post.

Roads and Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen landed the role after resigning as the Elgeyo Marakwet Senator.

Immediate Kandara MP Alice Wahome also resigned after landing an appointment as Water, Sanitation and Irrigation CS.

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