Rwanda: Ministry of Education Launches Study to Establish Fund for Skills Development

22 November 2022

A study aimed at developing a comprehensive analysis of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) landscape in Rwanda has been launched.

The study, which was launched on November 21, by the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) with support of the European Union (EU), will also drive the setting up of the National Fund for Skills Development in Rwanda (NFSD), collecting international best practices with regards to TVET financing.

According to MINEDUC, the study also aims to propose options for a TVET financing model, supported by sector, economic and financial studies as well as to assist in defining the institutional structure, legal framework, operating processes and business model for the NFSD and provide initial support towards its operationalisation.

Speaking during the launch event, Claudette Irere, the Minister of State in charge of ICT and TVET, said the involved stakeholders have started conversations around how the fund can be established, adding that they are set to study how it can operate, as well as the role the government and different partners like the private sector can play.

"We want the private sector to play a role not only financially but also in the training we provide, so that they can respond to some of the challenges they have," she said.

"We have realised, from many countries, that to be able to run TVET successfully, there is a need for sufficient funds. Many countries have done so and we want to see if we can also do it here. The government has already invested in TVET but it is not enough. That is why we need to think of other ways to support it."

Irere added that, the NFSD will therefore be a good platform for stakeholders' engagement in financial resources mobilisation and ensuring their effective use towards the development of a highly qualified workforce to drive the national economic transformation.

As per National Strategy for Transformation (NST1), TVET is expected to respond to ever changing demands in the labour market, through the development of new training programs, the applications of new training technologies and by providing opportunities for employees to engage in continuous professional development and life-long learning.

This makes TVET an expensive form of education especially when it comes to the construction of new schools, renovation of existing ones, supply of training equipment and consumables as well as building staff capacity.

Michela Tomasera, Head of Cooperation of the European Union in Rwanda, said she is aware that with the growing importance of TVET for employment, productivity, and international competitiveness, there is a renewed impetus around TVET reform.

"Like any public policy area, TVET systems and their performance are shaped to a significant degree by financing. We believe this assignment, which shows EU's commitment to support skills development and youth employment in Rwanda, will provide practical recommendations around TVET financing, in an open and participatory approach," she said.

She declared that the study is at the beginning, adding that in the period of one year, it will be ready and when approved, the law around it will be established and then stakeholders will work on its long-term sustainability.

According to MINEDUC, a team of experienced international experts has been mobilised to undertake the assignment on behalf of the Government of Rwanda. The recommendations that will emanate from the study are expected to play a fundamental role in achieving the vision 2050 strategy.

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