Kenya: Bora Uhai, Siasa Baadaya, Moses Kuria Says Amid Maize Importation Controversy

23 November 2022

Nairobi — Cabinet Secretary for Investments, Trade and Industry Moses Kuria has said his focus is to ensure that no Kenyan dies of hunger, despite the controvesry surrounding importation of GMO maize.

CS Kuria has been on the receiving end following his announcement that the government will import 10 million gas of maize duty free, which will also include GMO maize.

The CS was however criticized over the safety of GMO maize to Kenyans, but in a quick rejoinder Kuria said that there is no harm in adding GMO in the list of things that kill Kenyans.

Following the unfolding events, Members of Parliament from maize growing areas on Tuesday argued that the move to import maize will hurt maize farmers who are preparing to harvest, and threatened to initiate his impeachment.

CS Kuria who accompanied the President in South Korea on a official visit, dismissed his critics through a Tweet saying he will not be drawn into politics.

"The Government campaigned on a pledge to Lower the cost of living and ensure no Kenyan dies of hunger. This is our unanimous and collective primary duty and an irreducible minimum. We will do exactly that even as we safeguard the interest of farmers. Bora uhai, siasa baadaye! he tweeted.

Also commenting on the maize importation debate, Narc leader Martha Karua said the import will constitute a maize scandal of monumental proportions only seen before during the 2008-2012 Grand Coalition Government which she served in.

Terming the move irregular, Karua said the imports outside the framework of a legal instrument in the for of a Gazette Notice will disenfranchise local farmers expecting a harvest in the coming months.

Karua also contested a move by President William Ruto's administration to allow the importation of Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) foods, mainly maize, into the country after a ten-year ban as 'illegal'.

She argued Ruto lacked the mandate to push through such an approval during the transition period when he chaired a Cabinet consisting President Uhuru Kenyatta's appointees.

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