Rwanda: Senior Olympic Officials Released on Bail

22 November 2022

Kicukiro primary court has granted bail to two senior officials of the Rwanda National Olympic and Sports Committee (RNOSC), who are being prosecuted over charges related to abuse of office.

The suspects are Jean-Jacques Mugisha, Head of Rwanda's mission to the Commonwealth Games, and Jean de Dieu Mukundiyukuri, the Executive Director at RNOSC.

They are being prosecuted for charges of forgery, nepotism, and favouritism.

According to court, the duo was granted bail because they had sureties.

Their sureties were also presented before court during the bail hearing which took place on November, 17. They include Marie-Immaculee Ingabire, the head of Transparency International Rwanda, and Donatha Mukanyarwaya, a businesswoman, among others.

Meanwhile, the court ruled that the duo will keep being prosecuted out of jail as they will report every Friday before 11 am to the prosecutor who is following their dossier for five months.

In addition, the court has ruled that the duo is not allowed to travel out of the country without seeking permission from the prosecution.

During the bail hearing, the duo pleaded not guilty to abuse of office saying that what was done is the usual procedure before a delegation leaves for such games, citing that the conflict between Munyakuri and the people who filed the case, was because they want to get rid of him to embezzle government funds since he has been fighting for that not to happen.

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