Sudan: ♦ Sudan - This Week's News in Brief ♦

24 November 2022

Dabanga Sudan — A compact digest of the past week's most-read highlights, from the heart of Sudan. Subscribe to receive this digest weekly in your inbox.

Climate change, Sudan's hidden crisis

November 17 - 2022 DABANGA SUDAN Our planet's climates are changing, and Sudan is by no means an exception. Yet, this topic is not exactly 'talk of the day' in Sudanese news. In this Radio Dabanga feature, we dive deeper into the far-reaching impacts of climate change and environmental degradation in a country whose economy evolves around oil and gold, industries predominantly in the hands of its military.

Record heats in Khartoum, rains in the North, droughts and drinking water shortages, dramatic floods, the Nile in mortal danger... climate change is hitting Sudan. The Horn of Africa is even called 'one of the world's regions most vulnerable to climate change'. Sudanese, however, have many more worries on their minds as the country has sunk into a deep political and economic crisis after decades of dictatorship and two military coups that have left people struggling to buy food or access healthcare.

OCHA: At least 48 killed in Central Darfur nomad fighting, mediators killed too

November 18 - 2022 BINDISI At least 48 were killed in clashes between the Misseriya and Rizeigat in Bindisi, Central Darfur, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) published a news flash update on Wednesday. Mediators tasked by authorities to settle the conflict were attacked and killed too.

Clashes reportedly erupted between the Misseriya and Awlad Rashid clan of the Rizeigat tribe, both Arab nomadic herding tribes, near Juguma village in Bindisi locality on November 9, following a robbery. Earlier in June, the two tribes signed a reconciliation document during a wave of agreements in Darfur. These agreements brokered by coup leader and Commander-in-Chief of the infamous RSF, Mohamed Hamdan 'Hemeti' Dagalo, have been called 'superficial'.

Sudanese activists: Racism and hate speech must be criminalised

November 23 - 2022 KHARTOUM A group of activists, human rights defenders, and media professionals spoke to Radio Dabanga about the danger of hate speech and racism in Sudanese society, following a seminar this weekend.

Renewed fighting in West Kordofan but peace deals in South Kordofan and Central Darfur

November 22 - 2022 EN NEHOUD / ABU JUBEIHA / BINDISI Six people were killed, dozens were injured, and an entire village was burned to the ground in renewed tribal clashes in En Nehoud in West Kordofan this weekend. In South Kordofan and Central Darfur reconciliation agreements were signed as well after serious fighting earlier this year.

Pharmacists angry as Sudan plans to liberalise medicine prices amidst dengue outbreak

November 22 - 2022 KADUGLI / KHARTOUM Sudan is witnessing its worst dengue fever outbreak in over a decade, especially in North and South Kordofan and Red Sea state. The Ministry of Health plans to liberalise medicine prices, but pharmacists warned against this move.

Eastern Sudan issue stalls Trilateral Mechanism dialogue

November 21 - 2022 KHARTOUM / KASSALA Talks being facilitated by the AU-IGAD-UNITAMS Trilateral Mechanism between the Forces for Freedom and Change-Central Council (FFC-CC) alliance and the ruling military are being pushed towards a settlement despite disagreement over the Mechanism's involvement in eastern Sudan issues.

Opposition parties criticise upcoming FFC agreement with Sudan junta

November 21 - 2022 KHARTOUM An upcoming framework agreement between the Forces for Freedom and Change-Central Council (FFC-CC) alliance and the military junta has been rejected by several political groups in the country, from pro-democracy grassroots movements and political opposition parties to members of the Sovereignty Council.

FFC expects to sign agreement with military 'soon', but in two stages

November 18 - 2022 KHARTOUM The Forces for Freedom and Change-Central Council (FFC-CC), the mainstream FFC, announced that the agreement with the military will probably be signed soon after it had incorporated several suggestions by the military. The agreement will be signed in two stages, with many thorny issues only agreed upon in the 'final agreement'

Sudan's dengue epidemic spreads further, no pathogen found for South Darfur 'hysteria'

November 18 - 2022 KADUGLI / GIREIDA In large parts of South Kordofan, people are currently suffering from symptoms of dengue fever but confirmation is difficult as there is only one laboratory in the whole of Sudan that can confirm vector-borne diseases. South Darfur's 'hysteria' epidemic is still a mystery as patients were confirmed to be free of suspected infections.

UN High Commissioner: 'All hands on deck, if civilian rule is to be restored in Sudan'

November 17 - 2022 KHARTOUM The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, concluded his official visit to Sudan. During the visit he met and discussed civilian transition with various stakeholders, including Chairman of the Sovereignty Council Lt Gen Abdelfattah El Burhan and Deputy Chairperson Lt Gen Mohamed Hamdan 'Hemeti'.

Blue Nile: Five Sudanese killed in 'ethnically-motivated' attack

November 16 - 2022 EL ROSEIRES Five people were killed and five others went missing in an "ethnically-motivated" attack in the area of El Azaza in El Roseires on Monday. There is a shortage of basic goods and services in Blue Nile region* following violence between various groups.

South Darfur schools witness 'acute hysteria' phenomenon

November 16 - 2022 GIREIDA The Security Committee of Gireida in South Darfur announced the closure of all schools in the locality for three days on Tuesday, due to the emergence of 62 cases of acute hysteria where students suffered fevers, convulsions, and fainting.


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