Kenya: CS Owalo Warns Administrators Against Holding Relief Food

4 December 2022

Kisumu — Information, Communication and the digital economy Cabinet secretary Eliud Owalo has warned administrators against holding relief food meant to alleviate hunger among the poor people.

Owalo who is in the third leg of food distribution in Nyanza region stated that the administration of President William Ruto is out to assist those who are facing hunger and must receive the food donations.

While at Kisumu West during the donation exercise, the CS told the local administrators to ensure no chief or assist chief carts away food for an overnight stay.

"Bwana DC ensure that this food is distributed and let no one carry this food to their homes for distribution tomorrow," he said.

He stated that all food must be given out to the people who are currently facing acute food shortage due to crop failure occasioned by delayed rainfall.

Owalo further called upon the people to take advantage of hustler fund and injected more cash into their businesses.

He says the funds were promised by president Ruto during his campaign period to pull majority of Kenyans from poverty.

"This hustler fund will help our young people to start off business ventures and let no one cheat you to disregard this fund," he said.

Owalo started off the distribution exercise on Saturday in Migori County before moving to Homa Bay and Siaya with the exercise coming to an end today in Kisumu county.

Owalo said the exercise should not be politicized since the food being distributed is from tax payers fund.

"President Ruto recently ordered for food donations in hunger stricken areas and Nyanza was no exception," he said.

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