South Africa: Parliament Delays Vote On Panel's Report By a Week in Late-Night Special Programming Meeting

South Africa's parliament building in Cape Town in 2015.

MPs will only vote next week on the Section 89 independent panel recommendation that President Cyril Ramaphosa has a case to answer for possible impeachment over serious violations of the Constitution, according to a unanimous decision of the programming committee on Monday night.

It was a late-night special sitting of that committee that endorsed the one-week delay after days of political and constitutional drama -- and just hours after President Cyril Ramaphosa filed his court papers challenging the Section 89 recommendation and the ANC National Executive Committee (NEC) made a decision to vote it down in the House.

Moving the parliamentary debate and vote to 13 December seemed the trade-off for the opposition's calls for a physical meeting with a manual roll call vote where every MP's decision is recorded.

The call for a roll call process came from the DA in a move to hold individual MPs accountable. The call for a physical sitting came from the EFF for similar reasons.

While Speaker Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula on Monday night indicated she had been disinclined to approve both calls, the special National Assembly programming committee took a different turn.

Parliament, as a multiparty institution of elected public representatives, was autonomous and...

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